Fun at the Pool!
What better way for dogs to have fun and stay cool in the summer than dock diving?!
It's always a blast to match these high flying aquanuts flinging themselves off the dock and splashing into the pool with pure enjoyment. Some of these super athletes can jump 25' or more before splashing down in the water.
Sanctioned competitions will be held over the three day event. North American Diving Dogs will be hosting the events and dogs from all over the country will be entered. It promises to be a very fun filled day, for dogs and people.
Dock diving is a great way to have fun with your dog while providing them with an opportunity to get that exercise they so much need.
Maybe your dog could be a dock diving dog?
Lessons are available.
Come on out and give it a try!

PLACE: Volusia County Fairgrounds
DATE: September 20-22, 2024
Regional Qualifier Event
North America Diving Dogs will be holding an all-breed AKC Sanctioned Dock Diving event at the 2024 AKC Dog Show hosted by West Volusia Kennel Club, Inc.
Dock diving is a fast-growing sport that is fun for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Titles are eligible for the AKC Title Recognition Program. Join the fun and excitement at this cluster and compete with your dogs for your titles or take the opportunity to try out the
sport assisted by our experienced trainers.
Online registration closes 09/13/2024 at midnight (CDT).
Price per splash for this event is $30.00 (USD) per dog. Payment is due upon check-in.
Payment is required at check-in for all pre-registered splashes. Refunds will not be issued if you fail to show up for your turn.
Parking is just outside the west gate (beside Fast Cat). You can ask the gate guard to unload tents and crates. There will be no parking beside the dock but its not a terribly long walk. Plenty of space for tents.
This event will fill. Day of entries will be available but limited each day and try it spots will be first come first serve from 8-8:50 am along with open dock practice. Try its do take precedence over practice. Practice consists of two throws only. Competition will begin promptly at 9.
Contact Email Address: southeast@northamericadivingdogs.com
Contact Phone: 606-776-4421 (Renee Yessman)
For more information and to enter the events, click here.